EFCC Prayer Focus

exalting Christ in growing healthy churches

Prayer points for May 15, 2024

Ashford Congregational Church, Middlesex Give thanks with us for our thriving Toddlers Together group which meets 10-12 every Wednesday in term time and pray for the leaders and a spiritual work amongst all who come along.

Latimer Congregational Church, Grovehill Road, Beverley, East Yorkshire

We meet on a regular basis (2 times/ month) during the week in Home Groups, good opportunity to study the Bible, to pray and share together.

Droylsden Independent Church, Greater Manchester

This morning is the Churches coffee morning, please pray for the people that attend that they have a good time of fellowship.

Wheelock Congregational Church

Knit & Natter Group 1-3pm. The surrounding community are welcome to come along free of charge to knit, crochet, sew etc. An opportunity for them to learn these skills, bring their own projects, start a new project or finish a project that they’ve had for years. Please pray for this group that all who attend enjoy the fellowship.

Alderholt Congregational Church

Our Craft Club is a great time with about 15 + people coming in from the village. Please pray for the witness to them as they chat. Please pray that some may begin to come along to Chapel on a Sunday.

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