EFCC Prayer Focus

exalting Christ in growing healthy churches

Prayer points for April 03, 2024

Village Temple, Mynydd Isa, North Wales This afternoon’s ‘Friendship’ group meeting tends to attract older people. Pray that as the weather gets better that more people are encouraged to come and join with us, for a drink and a chat and to make new friends, as well as joining in with the available activities. Please pray that ‘seeds’ from the short message take root and faith in God develops and grows.

Honiton Congregational Church, Devon

Please pray for our three church officers as they meet monthly to consider current church issues. As we seek the Lord’s will for a pastor pray for discernment and for any candidates applying that the way forward would be clear to both parties. Pray also that the Lord will provide others to be future leaders in the church.

Wheelock Congregational Church

Friendship Group 1-3pm – We thank the Lord for previous meetings. This is an outreach event held once a month where the community is invited free of charge; they can make new friends, enjoy fellowship, hear a thought for the week and have a cup of tea. Please pray for this club that it continues to thrive and we see some of those that attend coming along to our Sunday services and wanting to get to know and learn more about our Lord.

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