EFCC Prayer Focus

exalting Christ in growing healthy churches

Prayer points for December 06, 2023

Hayes Town Chapel The Infants and Juniors will be having their Christmas special to which parents are invited – pray for this gospel opportunity to be well attended.

Ruiton Congregational Church, Dudley

We are having a Ruiton Toddler group outing to Dudley Zoo today. Please pray for continued relationship building and for opportunities to speak about our faith. Let's hope they let Pastor Grant out at the end!

Ashford Congregational Church, Middlesex

Please pray for our Christmas season events starting this evening with a team at Ashford Street Market and Community Carol singing.

Scarr Chapel, Lydeard St. Lawrence, Somerset

Praise God for a well-attended weekly prayer meeting, and a united concern for the outreach from here. We give praise to God for this, as some travel considerable distances to get here. Please pray for travelling mercies, especially as the inclement weather comes in.

Wycliffe Church, Sheffield

We will be singing carols in the streets around the church and handing out invitations to our carol services (Dec 17th & 24th). Pray that those contacted would come to a carol service, as the first step in coming to Christ.

Village Temple, Mynydd Isa, North Wales

Pray for our 50+ group and our Christmas meeting.

Wheelock Congregational Church

Friendship Group 1-3pm – We thank the Lord for previous meetings. This is an outreach event held once a month where the community is invited free of charge; they can make new friends, enjoy fellowship, hear a thought for the week and have a cup of tea. Please pray for this club that it continues to thrive and we see some of those that attend coming along to our Sunday services and wanting to get to know and learn more about our Lord.

Alderholt Congregational Church

Our Craft Club is a great time with about 15 + people coming in from the village. Please pray for the witness to them as they chat. Please pray that some may begin to come along to Chapel on a Sunday.

Tonight, we meet for our Prayer Hub. Pray that many will come along to pray for world matters, village matters and Church matters.

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